The program objectives are:
Obj. #1: Increase community access to fresh and wholesome food on San Carlos Apache Reservation by building and establishing a community food store and associated infrastructure as part of the Nalwoodi Regional Food Hub.
Obj. #2: Promote local food production and create new markets for small and emerging food businesses by creating and operating a farmers market on the reservation, bringing more returns to local food producers.
Obj. #3: Teach and demonstrate sustainable farming techniques by developing community gardens with food processing and storage.
Obj. #4: Create/save jobs and business opportunities and stimulate the development of small and emerging Native American food businesses in historically underserved San Carlos Apache communities by providing job/career training and business/technical assistance.
Obj. #5: Build strong community and encourage the adoption of healthy eating and lifestyle through public education and community outreach.
Obj. #6: Preserve Apache identity, tradition, and culture through the promotion of traditional foods production and sustainable farming.